Penguins at Pengu Station

At Pengu Station, trains run ON TIME!

Help passengers board their train by giving them an encouraging push. Make sure all passengers board before the train departs!

Play through a tutorial and three levels - with a secret last level built specifically for your enjoyment :)


  • WASD - Movement
  • E - Give penguins an encouraging push

Built for Mini Jam 157: Electric by Rinni, Sarin, and Nick Swift.

Published 22 days ago
AuthorNick Swift
TagsCute, Indie, minigames


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This was soooo cute and enjoyable to play through!

If there are future modes that'll be implemented in the future, it would be fun to have a "tetris-like" mode where:

1. Capacity on the train is limited, and...
2. Penguins would come in different sizes, offering different numbers of points!

Since players are incentivized to "perfect" each level by obtaining all 3 stars, they need to find a way to optimally fit the right pengus into the train under time constraints!

This was a great game to play through, and it would be so awesome to see this game continue to be developed!

Thanks for playing! It was a fun game jam to do!

I like the tetris idea. We were planning to have multiple trains come, with different colors, and you need to push the right penguins onto the right trains.

For example, penguins with red hats go into the red train, and penguins with blue hats need to go in the blue train.

But alas, game jam time limits :p

Definitely something interesting here around penguin organization and time constraints ๐Ÿค”